what is organic farming?

Organic farming?
Organic farming is a method of keeping the soil alive while cultivating fields and raising crops obtained from the manure of plants and animals.
The process involves producing crops and rearing animals using natural resources that prohibit chemicals, thereby maintaining ecological balance.
Types of organic farming?
*Pure organic farming-
Farming involves natural resources and compost is produced completely without inorganic chemicals.
*Integrated organic farming-
Integrated organic farming, known as zero waste procedure, focuses on the entire agrosystem.
Waste produced is recycled as nutrients and then used for another process.
Maximizing resources, enhancing the productivity of crops and ensuring a climate-friendly environment.
what are the Components of organic farming
Crop Rotation-
crop rotation is a Systematic practice in which different types of crops are grown according to the season, thereby increasing soil fertility.
alternating crops can improve the soil structure, increase nutrients and prevent disease.
Organic manure
The residue left after the decomposition of plants, animals, and by-products of agricultural activities is enriched with nutrients that enhance water retention and increase the yield of crops.
Further subdivided into four types
*Bulky organic manure from cattle, compost from waste and slurry.
*Concentrated organic manure from edible oil cakes for cattle feeding and non-edible oil cakes used as manures, fish meal etc.
*Green manures from leguminous plants and non-leguminous, peas, cowpea, buckwheat, sunflower
*Green leaf manures leaf from trees to improve soil quality.
Biofertilizers are living microorganisms such as Rhizobium, Blue-green algae and acetobacter that are applied to plants and soil to promote growth.
Natural living organisms are plant protection agents used to control pests, weeds, and pathogens in agriculture, including fungicides, protozoans, etc.
Composting involves earthworms.
It is a decomposition process where earthworms consume organic matter into nutrient-rich material so that moisture remains.
waste management
It is the process of proper disposal of waste material where organic waste is reduced, reused, and recycled.
Maintaining a healthy environment.
Biogas production
A Process where managing waste such as cow dung, crop residue, and food waste produces biogas, which helps lessen greenhouse gas emissions.
Importance and scope of organic farming
As we know, it has fewer environmental effects than conventional farming.
Today’s demand for organic products has increased consumers’ awareness of health benefits as they contain more nutrients and are free from synthetic pesticides and fertilizers.
Furthermore, it encourages water conservation, promotes water recycling and supports biodiversity by creating habitats and ecosystems, which can help mitigate the effects of climate change.
Besides, the government supports its practices by providing grants and subsidies as financial assistance.
Additionally, some challenges can be faced, such as paying for organic certification, which is expensive and time-consuming.
Transition to organic farming takes up to 3 years, which can reduce the yield and delay financial assistance.
Organic farms produce lower yields compared to conventional farms.
The practice of organic farming talks about environmental Sustainability and a resilient agricultural system, ensuring long-term development
Thus, it allows future generations to continue farming without depleting natural resources. Also, the overuse of agrochemicals has damaged human health, animals, plants, and soil. Therefore, choosing them fosters a healthy ecosystem and the well-being of farming communities.
As a result, farmers and consumers have a direct relationship, who ensure that their products meet the quality standard.
1) Father of organic farming?
Sir Albert Howard.
2) What is the difference between organic and conventional farming?
Organic farming is a natural process where the use of no chemicals to provide healthy nutrition,
while conventional farming depends on synthetic chemicals, such as fertilizers and pesticides, to fight pests and weeds.
3)what is natural farming?
Also, referring to zero cost, with no external factor, solely dependent on nature, as no ploughing or tilling is done.
4) Four principles of organic farming?
Health, Ecology, Fairness, and Care.
5) which is the first Indian organic state?