What is Artificial Intelligence and Types of Artificial Intelligence?

Artificial Intelligence is the building of computer programs from large amounts of data to learn from experience, and past learning to perform human-like tasks. In this Blog, types of Artificial Intelligence are explained. AI uses complex algorithms to build that type of systems that can make decisions on their own. AI is achieved by analyzing the patterns of the human mind and by analyzing the cognitive process. It is used in many sectors now.
- Transportation
- Healthcare
- Education
- Banking
- Retail
- Entertainment
Working of AI: AI Software accepts input in the form of Text, Voice, image. Then applies rules, algorithms on it , after processing the input software gives the outcome in the form of success, failure, or data output. Then data is analyzed by analysis reports with different tools.
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Types of Artificial Intelligence:
Type of Artificial Intelligence Based on capabilities:
Narrow AI:
This type of AI performs a set of tasks or we can say they can do their task in a predefined range not more than that. Here are some examples:
Facial recognition
Voice assistants like Alexa and Siri
Driving a car
Chatbots that answer custom queriesGeneral A I:
This type of machine can learn, understand, and perform intellectual tasks on its own. If they get any unusual task then they do it without human intervention. But not yet developed.
Super AI:
This type of AI can do all the tasks that humans do like emotional feelings, problem-solving, and creativity. This can be seen in science fiction movies like “Her”.
Types of Artificial Intelligence Based on Functionality:
Reactive Machines:
- These types of machines don’t work on past data they work on the base of present data. They don’t store past experiences or memories and they are trained to work on a very narrow scope For eg. IBM’s Deep Blue chess-playing computer, beat the world champion, Garry Kasparov.
Limited Memory AI:
- These types of machines can store past data and and can learn from that and perform the process in data according to that which helps these to update their models and make better decisions. For eg: Self-driving cars, Image recognition systems. Their past recall memory is very low and only used in a narrow band of time.
Theory of Mind AI:
This is a more advanced version of AI that can understand the feelings, emotions, and intentions of others. This type requires the machines to understand humans truly. These can be used in that mobile applications where we need to use user’s behavior, likes, and dislikes.
Self-Aware AI:
- It will be capable of understanding and possessing emotions which can later on turn into desires. This is the most advanced form of AI. This machine will have its own emotions, consciousness, and self-awareness. This is yet to be developed practically still in theory form. It will be capable of understanding and possessing emotions which can later on turn into desires.
Types of Artificial Intelligence Based on Technology:
Machine Learning: AI systems can improve themselves without direct programming. They create that type of software that can independently learn to utilize data.
- Deep learning: It is the subset of Machine Learning. It is used to process large data and learn from it. It is the technology behind voice control in consumer devices and other applications.
- Natural Language Processing: Artificial intelligence means that machines can understand and interpret human-readable language. Which is used in chatbots, and translation services.
- Robotics: AI plays a very appreciative role in robotics. This Involves Robots and computer systems for designing, constructing, and operating tasks for information processing and controlling. They can adapt to the changes and learn according to that.
- Computer Vision: This is used in medical image analysis, and surveillance to interpret the world visually.
- Expert Systems: These AI programs answer the user’s query in a specific domain by using rule-based systems.
Pros and Cons of Artificial Intelligence:
- Efficiency is very high.
- 24/7 Support.
- No errors.
- Very fast.
- It never bores, so easily handles repetitive tasks.
- Job loss due to increased automation.
- Very costly to implement.
- People can over dependent on it.
- It can’t duplicate human creativity.
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