Top 10 Yoga Poses for Human Body

Yoga poses for relaxation of mind and body – Yoga is a posture-based exercise for relaxation, stress relief, and physical fitness. Thousands of years ago it was used for spiritual practice. It is a physical activity involving different asanas which sometimes include breathing exercises and generally ends with meditation or a span of relaxation. It is an exercise for the mind and body that builds strength and flexibility.
Best 10 Yoga Poses
Yoga is an ancient practice that has gained popularity in today’s society. These asanas enhance the body’s fitness and help to soothe the stress and anxiety in the mind and body. Yoga poses for relaxation of mind and body are:
1) Chakravakasana (Cat-Cow Stretch)
Cat Cow Stretch is one of the popular restorative poses that helps strengthen the core muscles, legs, and arms. This asana stretches the torso, neck, and back, encouraging the breath to come slowly and deeply. With this pose the spine comes into correct alignment and helps prevent back pain when regularly practiced. It also helps handle stress as it strengthens the nervous system and is a helpful pose for mothers, athletes, seniors, and working professionals. It is one of the Best Yoga poses for the relaxation of the mind and body.
How to do:
Step 1: Start with your hands and knees by shoulder apart with a neutral spine, keep the knees below your hips.
Step 2: Take a deep inhale and curve your lower back into a cow pose. Lift your head and gaze toward the ceiling.
Step 3: Then exhale deeply and round your spine into a cat pose. Drop your head down and gaze towards your navel.
Repeat these steps on each inhale and exhale, for at least 5 to 10 breaths and then return to neutral spine.
2) Salamba Bhujangasana (Sphinx Pose)
This pose helps strengthen the lower back and is great practice for the upper back, shoulders, and neck. It is a healing backbend and a deeply relaxing yoga exercise, and it helps calm the breath. This yoga pose is very beneficial. For anxious and stressed students this helps in relaxing the mind. It helps in relieving the symptoms of PCOD/PCOS. With the stretching of the neck, thyroid imbalances can be treated.
How to do:
Step 1: Begin the Asana by lying flat on your stomach on your yoga mat and resting your forehead on the mat.
Step 2: Press the toes of your feet
Step 3: Place your forearm and hands near your face on the mat.
Step 4: By inhaling press your belly to the mat and arch your lower back towards the ceiling.
Step 5: Exhale and lie down on your stomach flat, and rest your forehead on the mat.
Repeat these steps 10 to 20 times then relax your arms at the side, turn your head to any side, and rest.
3) Setubandha Sarvangasana (Bridge Pose)
As the name suggests it is an inverted backbend asana where the spine is curved away from the mat and hence the bridge is formed. As this pose is related to the spine, it helps in strengthening the back and spinal toning. This pose levels the hip joints and helps in relieving discomfort, pain, and stiffness in these areas. Other than that it also has a lot of benefits like relaxing the mind, improving digestion, melting stomach fat, etc.
How to do:
Step 1: Start by lying on your back, with your knees bent and feet flat on the mat.
Step 2: With your palms down the floor, keep your hands to your sides.
Step 3: While taking an inhale, press down on your feet and lift your hips high.
Step 4: Exhale out, release your arms and slowly lie down on your back.
4) Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward Facing Dog Pose)
This pose is a favorite amongst all yoga teachers as it is a full-body stretch and helps in strengthening the core muscles. Downward Facing Dog Pose aligns the body and leads to a strong body posture. This pose is effective for thyroid imbalance, stress management, varicose veins, and Achilles tendonitis. This pose also helps in balancing the heart, throat, and third eye chakra and is considered a best practice for athletes, sportspersons, and marathon runners.
How to do:
Step 1: Start with getting down on all four positions, with your hips higher than the knees and shoulder above your wrists.
Step 2: Then pull your pelvis toward the ceiling while pressing on the palms of the hand and balls of your feet.
Step 3: Hold your body in this position for a few seconds and then slowly lie on your stomach.
5) Vriksasana (Tree Pose)
Under balancing standing yoga poses comes Tree Pose. Tree Pose is a great meditation pose that helps integrate our mind, body, and breath. This can be modified with the practitioner’s balancing needs. It is a complete focus-driven practice that is the combination of strength, stretch, stability, and balance. With its repeated practice the body’s posture improves which hence improves the breathing as well. It also helps in calming the nervous system with regulated breathing.
How to do:
Step 1: While standing straight, lift your left leg, bend it to your knee, and balance it on the inside thigh of your right leg.
Step 2: Join your hands (prayer position) at your chest level. Slowly raise your arms over your head till your arms are fully stretched.
Step 3: Breathe slowly and bring your arms back to chest level.
Step 4: Bring your left leg back from the right thigh and stand straight.
Repeat these steps with the other leg.
6) Viparita Karani (Legs up the wall pose)
It is also a restorative pose that impacts the entire back. It can be a part of mindful yoga, as it has healing benefits for both mental and physical health. In this pose the students are asked to surrender to the pose, so that they can focus on their breathing and meditate. It is considered a good pose for the mind. It strengthens the core muscles reduces the abdominal fat and enhances digestion as blood flows to abdominal organs. This restorative asana helps to reduce stress and anxiety by calming the nerves. This pose is also considered one of the Best Yoga poses for the relaxation of the mind and body.
How to do:
Step 1: Keep a pillow or blanket under your hips.
Step 2: With the support of the wall, swing the legs straight against the wall by lying flat on your back.
Step 3: The hips should be kept against the wall.
Step 4: Keep your arms in a comfortable position on the side.
Step 5: Keep this position for some time and then rest by lying straight for some time.
7) Anjaneyasana (Low Lunge Pose)
It is a stretching pose that is considered best for athletes, sportspersons, and runners. This pose brings strength and power to the body when practiced right. This back-bending pose enhances flexibility which opens the intercostal muscles and lengthens the upper body. It creates a calm nervous system with the spinal toning and balances the thyroxine levels with the slight backbend. It works on four chakras namely: Heart, Sacral, Throat, and Manipura which helps in balancing the emotions.
How to do:
Step 1: First we will begin with a downward-facing dog pose.(Adho Mukha Svanasana)
Step 2: Take your right foot forward, between your hands, and lower your other leg by sliding the foot back till it stretches the hip and thigh.
Step 3: Lift the chest away from the thigh, stretch your arms to the ears, and look straight.
Step 4: Be in this position for a few seconds and then lower your arms back and step back to a downward-facing dog pose.
8) Malasana (Garland Pose)
It is a deep squat seated pose. This beginner-level pose challenges the working of the entire body as this yoga pose requires stability and flexibility in hips, knees, pelvis, ankles, and spine. This asana reduces menstrual problems, balances the hormones, and strengthens the uterus with the increased blood flow. It brings confidence, promotes self-awareness, and elevates your self-esteem.
How to do:
Step 1: Start with the mountain pose and make sure that your feet are slightly wider than your hip width.
Step 2: Lower to a squat position by bending your knees.
Step 3: With your chest between the thighs, bring your hands together in the prayer position near your chest.
Step 4: Push your inner thighs gently and try to keep your arms parallel to the ground.
Step 5: Keep your breathing steady and then return to the standing position.
Keep this pose for 20 seconds if you’re a beginner and gradually increase the time.
9) Baddha Konasana (Cobbler Pose)
It is a meditative hip opener pose also sometimes known as butterfly pose. This pose is helpful for kids, athletes, teens, and gymnasts as it opens the inner thigh and is considered a Yoga pose for relaxation of mind and body. Students having mild anxiety and depression are asked to practice this asana as it accumulates their negative energy and stress. This asana is used by yoga teachers to treat hormonal imbalances. It is an excellent asana for pregnant ladies in their 2nd and 3rd trimester. The spinal toning and alignment with this pose enhance the body posture. It is a great yoga pose for the mind and body.
How to do:
Step 1: Start with Dandasana i.e. stretch your legs straight in front of you.
Step 2: Bring the soles of both your feet together by bending your knees to either side
Step 3: Bring your feet as close to your body as you comfortably can.
Step 4: Sit straight with your and use your hands to hold your feet together in a set position.
10) Paschimottanasana (Seated Forward Bend Pose)
As the name suggests, it is a forward-bending pose that keeps the heart and spine healthy. The stretch in the hips, lower back, and hamstrings improve blood circulation in the pelvic area. This bowing asana helps release tension in the body and soothes the nerves hence calming the mind. For women, this yoga asana helps with their menstrual disorders. For students, it can help treat their migraines and increase their appetite.
How to do:
Step 1: Start with the Dandasana pose
Step 2: Bend forward from your hips and forehead towards the feet.
Step 3: Place your arms on the legs or wherever you can reach. Do not try to overstretch your arms for the first time.
Step 4: Try to let your head touch your legs, but don’t try to force it. Bend it till you can.
Step 5: Maintain the position for 30 seconds or more then relax your arms and come back to the Dandasana.
FAQ’s Frequently Asked Questions
Q1 Which pose is good for menstrual problems?
A1 Child pose, Seated Forward Bend Pose, and Legs up the wall pose.
Q2 Which pose is beneficial for diabetic patients?
A2 Legs up the wall pose, Child pose, and Bow pose
Q3 Which pose helps in back pain?
A3 Cow pose, Bridge pose, Sphinx pose, and Downward Dog pose.